Technique above everything

Worlds #1 Football APP

Join Now For FREE

Designed For Players & Coaches of ALL Levels

What's inside

Programs designed for YOU

The Joner Football app helps you fine tune your technique & improve your game with our very popular follow-along training programs, tips & tutorials for all levels. Train at home with minimal equipment to level up your game & consistency.

What's inside

Position Specific Training

Are you a Defender? Midfielder? Attacker? Then we have got you covered with thousands of different drills specific for your position.

What's inside

Coaching & community

  • Ask me questions directly
  • Share your success with me
  • Tell me what content you want to see
What's inside

Free to watch content

Get a sneak peek inside the Joner Football APP! Enjoy a selection of free videos showcasing some of our best content available inside the app, without creating an account!

BRAND NEW Coaches Only Section

Team Training Coaches

Team Training. Group Training. Session Planning

  • For coaches of all levels who run their own team or company
  • Thousands of Drills that you can use & tailor to your program
  • See how Joner Football coaches deliver Small Group Training
  • Access to how JF coaches plan their sessions
Coaches Only

Coaching The Coaches

  • Watch How Lee Joner Jones works closely with his team of coaches
  • Get behind the scenes access of the Joner Way
  • Live Raw Training Sessions where Joner provides feedback
Coaches Only

Voice Over Series

  • Gain access to our voice over series videos
  • Joner & coaches give detailed voice over instruction on how to do the drills
  • Detailed breakdown for your session planning & development
Coaches & Players

Coaching Professional Players

  • Watch how we coach Professional Players
  • Gain access to raw footage & behind the scenes with Pro players only
  • Extremely useful for Players & coaches to see how Pro’s train
Attackers Only

BRAND NEW Score More Goals Program

  • Full Follow Along detailed Shooting Sessions
  • Fine Tune your scoring technique
  • Score more goals for your team

Meet Lee Jones

Lee Jones (AKA Joner) from Joner Football is recognised all over the globe. Based in Sydney, Australia, Joner Football was voted top 10 technical Football Trainers in the world for specialising in individual and small-group training.

Lee Jones is a specialist coach who helps improve players & Coaches of all levels, specifically developing and fine-tuning technique. Joner has worked with some of the best professionals, both male and female, in the game globally. With being an ex professional himself he really prides himself in giving back to the beautiful game.

Joner Football and his team run events worldwide. They have over 2.5 MILLION followers online, over 40 million views on YouTube, their very own training facility in Sydney, a global APP used by thousands of coaches & players and their global elite camps always sell out with Lee Jones being the driving force behind it all.

The Joner Football app is for everyone — whether you are a coach, a player, a beginner or a Pro, we are here to help you on your journey. Join the THOUSANDS that are using the JF APP to develop your game TODAY.

Membership perks

Stay motivated

We post brand new videos weekly. Including once a week livestream training session. You will never get bored of the JF APP

Easy-to-follow videos

With our brand new ‘Netflix’ style video library, we have made it so simple for you to find the videos you are looking for & can easily be downloaded to use offline.

Football Community

Join our community of thousands of players & coaches of all levels, interact and connect to build your network. Players can even compare to how others are doing within the JF APP

Nutrition made simple

Learn exactly what to eat when, get grocery lists, and find out the foods that will keep you fueled and energized.

Custom Training Programs

We have developed detailed follow along training programs that are custom for your needs & can all be accessed from your pocket.

Talk to me

One of our most popular perks is direct Messaging inside the APP.Speak directly to Lee Jones himself & send in your training videos for detailed feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this APP really give me everything I need to succeed with my career?

YES. The JF APP has everything you in your pocket. It covers all things football & is here to help you on your Journey as a footballer or a coach of any level.

What is the BRAND NEW coaches section like?

A brand-new, exclusive section inside the Joner Football APP, designed specifically for coaches of all levels! Gain unparalleled access into Joner Football and see how Head Coach Lee Jones operates everything from coaching methods to running the company. This section is packed with valuable insights, including:

Detailed voice-over drills – Learn the “why” behind every session.
Plenty of coaching points – Understand how we execute our drills effectively.
Session plans – Structured plans to elevate your training sessions.
Coaching professionals – Insights into training elite-level players.
Live stream training sessions – Watch Joner Football in action.
Coaching the coaches – Learn how to develop and grow as a coach.

This section is your ultimate coaching resource, giving you the knowledge and tools to take your coaching game to the next level!

To gain access to this tier click here –

What makes this APP different to other football APPs out there?

The Joner Football App stands out from other football apps because we bring over 20 years of experience in private and small-group training. As one of the world’s leading providers in what we do, we’ve researched other apps—and they simply don’t compare. We cater to all levels of players and coaches, ensuring top-quality training & education for everyone.

Additionally, our exclusive Coaches Only section offers unparalleled insight into how Joner Football operates, including session planning, coaching professional players, behind-the-scenes access, voice-over series, and more.

With everything you need to improve and succeed right in your pocket, the Joner Football App is the ultimate tool for football development for coaches & players.

Can I direct Message Joner & other coaches?

YES! Only on a paid subscription plan. You can send your training videos to Joner himself & he can fine tune your technique and provide valuable advice!

How much does it cost to join the JF APP?

FREE to download & gain access to our FREE to watch section.
Monthly $14.99
Yearly $129.99 (Most popular)
Coaches Only Section $199.99 for the year

I’m a beginner, will I be able to do use the JF APP?

All our videos are scalable for any level for coaches and players. However we have a specific beginners only section that has been dedicated to players and coaches starting out their journey. We also have videos that are of the highest level as well.

Do I need to purchase equipment to do the JF APP?

All of my Training Videos we explain what is needed & majority can all be done with limited equipment & we always provide solutions. We also have a dedicated section which is train on your own with limited equipment!